Non-Windows users will have to execute "chmod +x run_DomainWizard" to make the script executable.

You can even place a shortcut on your desktop. Then run "run_DomainWizard.bat" (under Windows) or "run_DomainWizard" (under Linux) to launch the program.

c:\WRFDomainWizard or /home/WRFDomainWizard) and unzip it. Simply download the WRF Domain Wizard zip file into a directory of your choosing (e.g. Run WRF Domain Wizard (Download file, Unzip and Run) Having trouble running Domain Wizard? Please read the FAQ or troubleshooting tips. The advantages of running the Java Web Start version include being able to run it without doing an installation, and automatically receiving program updates. There are two ways to launch the standalone version of WRF Domain Wizard: by downloading the application and unzipping it, or by launching it with Java Web Start. WRF Domain Wizard can be run as a stand-alone application or it can be run from inside the WRF Portal application. WRF Domain Wizard stores its information in namelist.wps, namelist.input (and nest7grid.parms for LAPS users). WRF Domain Wizard is also a built-in component of WRF Portal. Users can also define nests using the nests editor, edit namelist.input, run the WPS programs (geogrid, ungrib, and metgrid) through the GUI, and visualize the NetCDF output. It enables users to easily define and localize domains (cases) by selecting a region of the Earth and choosing a map projection. WRF Domain Wizard is the successor to the WRFSI GUI and is a graphical user interface (GUI) for the new WRF Preprocessing System ( WPS). Go here for LAPS Version Version 2.84 for Linux, AIX, Mac, and Windows - released August 15, 2013 GUI for the WRF Preprocessor System (WPS) and namelist.input.